Friday 21 January 2005

Old Couple

An elderly couple approach the bus stop, a girl moves her bags so they can sit down.
"Na, don't worry yourself dear," says the bloke, "we're optimistic."
"9 times outta 10 we come out and see one going off daan the road. The other day we missed one and another one was coming along behind and we nearly missed it anawl," says his misses.
"There's a chill wind today. What we need is a brazier full o' timber."
A few minutes later another old bloke walks past, "Good day to you, Jim"
"Good day to you, sir," says our bloke, "ow's your good lady wife?"
"She's not at all bad, Jim, thanks for asking. And yourself?"
"I'm well, thank you."

An elderly couple on the way to somewhere. She's tall and thin, wearing a brown fake fur coat. Her blue-tinted hair stark against the grey sky. Red lipstick from a bygone era. Very wartime, or maybe 50s. One slight lipstick smear on her front teeth. He's also tall and thin in what seems to be a far-too-lightweight jacket for the weather. His creamy hair slicked back in quiff like affair. A jolly pair, caring, and talkative after all those years.

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